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Email to him inviting him to join the picnic.

Suppose, you are “XYZ” and your email address is xyz@yahoo.com. You are going to enjoy a picnic with some of your friends. Now, write an email to your friend, “ppp” whose email address is ppp@gmail.com. Inviting her to attend the picnic with you.

Now write an email to him inviting him to join the picnic.

Sent: Friday, 17 February 2017, 08:25pm.

Subject:  Invitation to join a picnic.

Hi Mehedi,
Our school will be closed for winter vacation on Friday next. You will be glad to know that we are going to have a picnic on the 5th instant. We have decided to go to Sonargaon a place of great historical interest. It is also quite near to Dhaka. We expect to have a very pleasant time. I hope that you will join us and increase our pleasure.
With best wishes and love.
Yours ever

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